Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Freedom Of The Will - 1425 Words

Freedom is the ability to act, think, react, and behave without having a restrain or impediment to do this. Human beings are beyond lucky to have this ability and use it in a rational and conscious way. However, many doubts, questions, and concerns arise from this ability. How do humans get the freedom of the will? Are they using it for its intended and designed purpose? Philosophers have wondered and try to come up with an answer to all these questions. They have provided the two opposite points of view in regards the freedom of the will. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Pelagius were two philosophers that had an extensive debate over the freedom of the will. Hegel in his â€Å"Lectures on the Philosophy of History† presented that free will is completely based on a divine providence. In the other hand, Pelagius, founder of Pelagianism, explained an opposite view about what Hegel thinks in regards to free will. Hegel contributed in different fields including history, society, and the state. As the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy stated, â€Å"Hegel boldly claimed that his own system of philosophy represented a â€Å"historical culmination of all previous philosophical thought†. Hegel, in his â€Å"Lectures on the Philosophy of History,† displayed his position and ideology in regards free will. He was a firm believer of fatalism and providence. Hegel’s ideology stated that a divine and supreme entity, God, created the universe. This entity, called God, had an objective that needed to beShow MoreRelatedFreedom And Freedom Of Freedom885 Words   |  4 PagesDid you know that freedom helped our forefathers shape America throughout the centuries? Freedom is a way to describe independence and a way to self-govern oneself. Freedom is what united the thirteen colonies and gave them the courage to fight for their freedom. 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