Monday, December 30, 2019

Personal Statement Child Development Essay - 1912 Words

Jackie Dennard, Child Development 1, Issue paper Issue Paper : Child Abuse I was just done talking over the phone with my beloved mother whose back in my home country, the Philippines. We talked about stories when us, her children were young and we happened to touch on the topic how she and my dad had to take care of five more children, who are my cousins aside from their already twelve biological children because their parents, abused, neglect and eventually abandoned them. So then I remembered about the Issue paper for my Child Development class and still to this day, I am very passionate about this particular topic. Like I hear these type of stories every day, at church, on radio and TV, from neighbors and just ordinary people telling stories but really no one seems to really care enough and give importance to preventing it rather than giving it a cure. Just the other week, one of that cousins of mine, called me and she was just filled with too much pain and hurt and tears till to this day, re-living what they siblings have went through as children. Our conversation was full of tears, and power that it touches me to the depth of my soul. The worse part is their own parents were their abusers. These parents have already passed away, but still to this day, no one from their children have forgave them. I understand them for that and If I am in their shoes, I will feel the same way. I remember so well how they have to run to our house,Show MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Child Development1373 Words   |  6 PagesMichelle Seiler 12/8/14 CD #2 Philosophy on Child Development 1) Why you have chosen to be in the field. Children in this field can develop a positive self-esteem, foster a love of learning, and develop important social skills. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales - The Character of the Parson...

The Character of the Parson of Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer is considered by many critics as the father of English literature. His literary masterpiece was The Canterbury Tales. In these tales, Chaucer writes about pilgrims who are on a journey to Canterbury. Each pilgrim has a tale that they tell on this journey. Chaucer expresses themes and messages through the characterization of each pilgrim. Through the Parson, one of the pilgrims, Chaucer is able to portray the life of a true Christian through the general prologue, prologue to the Parsons tale, and the Parsons tale itself. In the general prologue, Chaucer introduces the reader to the Parson. He is a holy-minded man of good renown (475). The†¦show more content†¦He is not seen as a high ranking, political clergy member. The Parson is a true example (501) of a genuine Christian living a Christ-like life. He, being learned (478), knew and taught the gospel. He was not hypocritical nor did scrupulosity (522) poison his character. Chaucer himself greatly admires the Parson saying, I [Chaucer] think there never was a better priest (520). Chaucer continues to praise and respect the Parson in the prologue to the Parsons tale. He writes on how the Parson declines not to tell a story, but rather to use the opportunity to preach to the other pilgrims. The Parson shows characteristics of living a Christian life through his efforts to spread the word. He chooses to enlighten the pilgrims of a true spiritual purpose rather than to entertain them with lavish stories. In addition, Chaucer shows how the Parson is clear-minded in the prologue. The Parson is continuously focused on spreading the gospel and is not distracted but material things. He chooses a life of servant hood and virtue over wealth, fame, and glory In the Parsons tale itself, Chaucer is able to present the Parsons understanding of the earthly life. Through the teaching of the seven deadly sins, the readers realize the impact of sin and its potential to poison spiritual life. The Parson show how wise and knowledgeable he is through his ethical teachings of the sins. He first warnsShow MoreRelatedThe Canterbury Tales : An Analysis Of Medieval Life By Geoffrey Chaucer939 Words   |  4 PagesCanterbury Tales: An Analysis of Medieval Life by Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales is strongly considered one of the greatest works in medieval literature. An admirer of Chaucer, and the author of Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century, H.S. 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And Geoffrey Chaucer’s greatest work, the Canterbury Tales, can be a good evidence of the profligacy and immorality of the England Church at that time. In this magnificent piece of English literature, Chaucer expresses both his disappointment and admiration for the England Church through many different Church pi lgrims form high social class to common people. By his description aboutRead MoreComparison Of The Parson And The Canterbury Tales1256 Words   |  6 PagesIn Chaucer’s famous novel: The Canterbury Tales, he describes many characters in a satirical way, while others he describes with complete admiration. The narrator (a constructed version of Chaucer himself) is staying at the Tabard Inn in London, when a large group of about twenty-nine people enter the inn, preparing to go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. After the narrator talks to them, he agrees to join them on their pilgrimage. Although, before the narrator progresses any further in the tale, he

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Lawsuit In Movies Free Essays

The movie North Country featured Josey Aimes, the woman with two kids who only wanted to make life better and happier for her family. After leaving her abusive husband, she found a job as hairdresser. But learning that working in the local mine could pay her good enough, she applied for it not knowing the prejudices and negations received by women miners. We will write a custom essay sample on Lawsuit In Movies or any similar topic only for you Order Now As days passed by in her life as a miner, she started to notice the dominance of the clan of Adam in that part of the country. Everyday, she could hear sexist jokes, and disrespectful comments from male coworkers, she began to outrage turning herself the object of hate, but at the same time, of lust. She later found out that the women in her hometown were so scared to come out of their shell†¦ that nobody even wanted to stand by her side. With the help of a local lawyer, she filed for a sexual harassment case against her workplace, when she was nearly raped. The movie opened with a big bang of emotions and scenarios that continuously built the excitement of any viewer to follow the journeys and decisions made by the female protagonist. Events like going away from her husband, getting inside the manly world of mining, and being the herculean woman amidst the fangs and stings of men, kept true to the philosophy of Niki Caro – women empowerment, like the Whale Rider. The director was able to present the powerhouse impact of the scenes attributed to a community enveloped in discrimination against women. Charlize Theron played the protagonist woman and added merits to her credentials. North Country was based on the case filed and won by Lois Jensen against the Eveleth Mines. It took over two decades before the charge was settled. Indeed, she made history by changing the course of sexual harassment law in the United States of America. The lawsuit created rooms for the rights of women against sexual harassment, discrimination and other negative actions towards women in the workplace. Erin Brokovich With three children to give a decent life, she asked her lawyer to help her get a work. She later found her career in researching about the case of water pollution and sickness among the children in a small town. She then excavated that the cause was the toxic wastes dumped by the huge company in the area. The worse part was that the company was trying to hide it from investigations. The company was so powerful that it could just make her dead in the records, but she was not stopped by this. She went an extra mile just to expose the truth. But she is not your ordinary good girl, smart employee in the office. She had skeletons in her closets, too. She usually left her children with her biker boyfriend, acting like she was not the mother. Dressed like a whore, she made Erin Brokovich heroine in a small town when she brought down a deep-pocketed company. Steven Soderbergh directed this film with wit and passion. He maximized the potentials, including the natural sexiness, of Julia Roberts, who played the role so effectively in return. This might have driven the female part of the audience crazy of desiring to be like Erin in their worlds. Every woman wanted to be the new modern woman, dressing casually but could carry the world when asked to. This is like a refresher movie of what Roberts was in the Pretty Woman, the role that made her the highest-paid and the most sought-after actress in Hollywood. The movie was based on the story of Erin Brokovich who helped the burdened community win over the Pacific Gas Electric Company. She did not have the looks or appearance of a lawyer. But she managed to go on her way to help in the success of the largest settlement for a direct lawsuit ever. This clearly shows that if you have done something bad, it will haunt you no matter where you are and what status you belong. Moreover, no matter how good you are in hiding or covering your wrongdoings, the issue itself could find itself in the surface. A Civil Action A community struck with something that made the people vulnerable to skin rashes, and a leukemia outbreak among the youth, was finally put to limelight when they start to take their fate against two big corporations. The residents wanted someone to apologize for the death of their children. Their need for someone to defend them came at the right time for the firm of Jan Schlichtmann, who chose cases they believe they could get to success. Usually, their clients were poor, putting a pro-people and pro-justice on their image. But in his mind and heart, the lawyer was hoping for large settlement money. As they were getting through the lawsuit, the firm was also continuously sinking below the line of bankruptcy. The movie was based on the primary accounts of Jonathan Harr during the proceedings. This embedded the movie inside the courtroom. Stories about the Woburn victims were set aside for the presentation of what really happened inside the hearing of the case. John Travolta gave justice to the character of Schlichtmann, as being the ambitious lawyer, who wanted to nail down WR Grace and Beatrice Foods, for a substantial amount of money. He also made a mistake when he was carried with the story of one of the victims. Robert Duvall, who played the antagonist Jerome Facher, also made a great effort in his role as the lawyer of one of the companies involved in the issue. Environmental crime is probably one of the celebrated cases in the history of man. This is because different sectors participate in the deliberation of points, trying to sound pro-environment. Oftentimes, big industrial companies are usually the subjects. Justice has its price, goes the tagline of the movie that peeked through the climax of the movie wherein the victims got a whopping amount of settlement money. This shows the negative attachments of the judicial system of the country. It made clear that money could have the power to break the shield of morality, humanity, and most of all, love. Reference: Caro, N (dir). 2005. North Country. USA: Warner Bros. Pictures. Soderbergh, S (dir). 2000. Erin Brokovich. USA: Jersey Films. Zaillian, S (dir). 1998. A Civil Action. USA: Touchstone Pictures.       How to cite Lawsuit In Movies, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Employment Skills Essay Example For Students

Employment Skills Essay In my essay I will talk about the skills required to get a good job nowadays. There will be three main points I will be discussing such as academic, personal management, and teamwork skills. I will give you examples of these skills, and reasons why this skill is important for you to get a job. Academic Skills Academic skills are probably the most important skill you will need to get a job. It is one of the or the first thing an employer looks for in an employee. They are skills which give you the basic foundation to acquire, hold on to, and advance in a job, and to achieve the best results. Academic skills an be further divided into three sub-groups; communication, thinking, and learning skills. Communicate. Communication skills require you to understand and speak the languages in which business is conducted. You must be a good listener, and be able to understand things easily. One of the most important communicating skills would be reading, you should be able to comprehend and use written materials including things such as graphs, charts, and displays. One of the newest things we can add to communicating skills would be the Internet, since it is so widely used all around the world you should have a good understanding of hat it is and how to use it. Think. Thinking critically and acting logically to evaluate situations will get you far in your job. Thinking skills consists of things such as solving mathematical problems, using new technology, instruments, tools, and information systems effectively. Some examples of these would be technology, physical science, the arts, skilled trades, social science, and much more. Learn. Learning is very important for any job. For example, if your company, gets some new software, you must be able to learn how to use it, quickly and effectively after a few tutorials. You must continue doing this for the rest of your career. It is one thing that will always be useful in any situation, not just jobs. Personal Management Skills Personal management skills is the combination of attitudes, skills, and behaviors required to get, keep, and progress on a job and to achieve the best results. Personal management skills can be further divided into three sub- groups just as academic skills, which are positive attitudes and behaviors, responsibility, and adaptability. Positive Attitudes And Behaviors. This is also very important to keep a job. You must have good self-esteem and confidence in yourself. You must be honest, have integrity, and personal ethnics. You must show your employer you are happy at what you are doing and have positive attitudes toward learning, growth, and personal health. Show energy, and persistence to get the job done, these can help you to get promoted or a raise. Responsibility. Responsibility is the ability to set goals and priorities in work an personal life. It is the ability to plan an manage time, money, and other resources to achieve goals, and accountability for actions taken. Adaptability. Have a positive attitude toward changes in your job. Recognition of an respect for peoples diversity and individual differences. Creativity is also important. You must have the ability to identify and suggest new ideas to get the job done. Teamwork Skills Teamwork skills are those skills needed to work with others co- operatively on a job and to achieve the best results. You should show your employer you able to work with others, understand and contribute to the organizations goals. Involve yourself in the group, make good decisions with others and support the outcomes. Dont be narrow minded, listen to what others have to say and give your thoughts towards their comments. .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .postImageUrl , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:hover , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:visited , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:active { border:0!important; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:active , .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8c0acaffda76070546ba378d5034f84b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Throughout American history, each generation has s EssayBe a leader not a loner in the group. Conclusion In conclusion I would like to say that all these skills I have discussed are critical to get, keep, and progress in a job and to achieve the best results possible for you. Of these skills though academic skills would be the most important skills you will learn, I think. So if you keep at these skills you will be happy with what you are doing unlike a lot of people who are forced to get jobs that they do not like.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Management Gender and Leadership

Introduction Issues associated with gender and leadership have been discussed for several decades though the debate on the matter is still on-going. Researchers note that the rate of female leaders is steadily increasing worldwide but male leaders significantly outnumber female leaders (Virick Greer 2012; Page 2011). It is also important to note that researchers’ attention has not decreased and they consider the issue focusing on a variety of aspects. Thus, researchers look into the correlation between culture and gender ratio in the business world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Issues in Management: Gender and Leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leadership in such spheres as business, governmental and union organisations, health care and education obtain considerable attention. Researchers also analyse successful stories of effective female leaders and reveal major trends in manage ment and leadership. It is necessary to add that different methodologies and approaches are used to address the issue. However, some questions remain unanswered and a bunch of gaps is yet to be filled. Major Topics Considered In the first place, it is important to consider the scope of topics analysed. Admittedly, similarities and differences between male and female leadership still get a lot of attention. At that, Kent, Blair and Rudd (2010) state that gender does not affect leadership behaviours. The researchers claim that female and male leaders are equally effective. Moreover, female and male leaders can equally contribute to the development of an organisation (Timberlake 2005). However, it is still clear that males are reluctant to lose their leading positions and female leaders have to face the ‘glass ceiling’ in the contemporary society. Wang and Kelan (2013) report that even though there is a quota in Norway, the number of female leaders increases surprisingly i nsignificantly. Even though legislation secures rights of women and ensures they have equal opportunities, development of female leadership is still rather insignificant. Researchers also note that culture affects empowerment of women. Thus, Van Emmerik, Wendt and Euwema (2009) emphasise that societal culture has a considerable impact on gender ratio within organisations. Interestingly, less effective male leaders are less likely to choose a female as their successor if diversity climate is unfavourable, though effective male leaders tend to choose females as their successors irrespective of the atmosphere within the organisation. It is necessary to add that the researchers define diversity climate as â€Å"collective perceptions of the extent to which an organization is viewed as having fair employee policies and integrates underrepresented individuals into the work environment† (Virick and Greer 2012, p. 577). Importantly, Block and Crawford (2013) emphasise persistence of stereotypes which prevent development of female leadership. Snaebjornsson and Edvardsson (2013) claim that such concepts as nationality; gender and leadership styles are interrelated. Therefore, female leadership faces a lot of obstacles globally.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from generalising, researchers consider gender issues in specific spheres. For instance, female leadership is increasing in the sphere of public services in the UK. Remarkably, Anderson et al. (2006, p. 555) focus on female leadership in the British Army stressing that women are characterised by â€Å"interpersonally oriented leadership style†. The number of women leaders in organisations is still insignificant compared to the rate of women in the labour movement. At the same time, the researchers stress that female leadership can contribute greatly to the development of unions. The spheres o f health care and education have also acquired a lot of attention. Lantz (2008) notes that female leaders are not numerous in the sphere of health care though 40% of work force in this field is constituted by women. It is necessary to note that leadership in education has acquired significant attention but there is still gender bias and females do not want to be leaders. Women tend to remain team workers. Even women, who are active and often come up with effective solutions, tend to be subordinate to less active male leaders. Wayne, Vermillion and Uijtdehaage (2010) state that females should be encouraged to strive for leading positions as women can contribute to development of organisations though they remain rather inactive. Reynolds (2011) also claims that it is crucial to encourage females to become leaders and education should play the core role in this process. Young females should understand that they are able to make the difference and they should long for leading positions instead of withholding their ideas and remaining in the shadow. Swan, Stead and Elliott (2009) contribute to the analysis of the role of learning in gender diversity and leadership by identifying the gap in leadership learning and outlining the role feminist approach can play in education. Teachers should affect development of gender leadership awareness and provide an account of several female leaders’ experience. Clearly, gender and leadership have become a disputable issue and researchers consider numerous spheres, though there are still a number of gaps. Major Gaps in the Field Some researchers have touched the correlation between nationality and leadership. However, numerous questions remain unanswered. First of all, little attention is paid to particular nationalities or regional differences in gender leadership trends. For instance, researchers have touched the correlation between societal culture and gender leadership. Nonetheless, it can be useful to consider the way cultural peculiarities affect people in different countries. Diversity is one of the major characteristics of the contemporary world. Therefore, it can be beneficial to look into leadership behaviours of Asian and Arabic women in western countries. Furthermore, it is possible to trace female leadership (of western as well as Asian and Arabic women) in Asian and Arabic countries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Issues in Management: Gender and Leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also possible to pay more attention to particular spheres or even departments within organisations. Researchers should identify the rate of female leaders in different industries, organisations and companies. This can help to reveal factors contributing to development of female leadership. It is also necessary to examine similarities in leadership behaviours in different fields. Researchers can consider particu lar experiences of successful female leaders. This will enable scholars to reveal specific factors that positively affect development of female leadership or even certain qualities effective female leaders should have to succeed. The role of education has acquired a lot of attention, but it is still necessary to develop specific strategies which can be utilised to encourage females to occupy leading positions. Admittedly, such aspects as nationality, cultural background, peculiarities of an industry should be taken into account during development of these strategies. Methodology It is also necessary to pay special attention to methodology. Researchers resort to numerous methods and analyse qualitative as well as quantitative data. The articles reviewed can be grouped into three categories. The majority of articles are based on literature review. Thus, researchers review scholarly articles and articles in mass media. This approach helps to reveal major trends existing in the contempo rary society. It is easy to trace concerns and aspirations of people in different spheres. Researchers also consider the way the issue is approached. Importantly, literature reviews help to identify gaps in the study. Nonetheless, this approach is characterised by a number of limitations. For instance, researchers focus on specific topics and can leave out some important sources. When it comes to secondary research, there are chances that researchers provide erroneous conclusions or distorted data. Finally, it can be difficult to trace all the trends existing in the world as researchers often review articles written in one language (e.g. English). At the same time, different regions are characterised by different trends. The second group of articles is characterised by analysis of statistical data. For instance, Anderson et al. (2006) analyse statistic data received from the assessment centre. Other researchers use data obtained from several surveys held in the 1990-2000s (Lantz 200 8; Kaminski Yakura 2008). This approach is effective for identifying precise numbers and rates. Thus, researchers acquire substantial quantitative data for their analysis.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Again, it is possible to trace a variety of trends existing in the society. Nonetheless, this approach still has certain limitations. First of all, it is difficult to cover all regions and all strata of the society. Moreover, generalisation is often associated with proximity and distorted data. Finally, quantitative data cannot be enough for developing certain strategies and solutions as it is difficult to explain factors which led to this or that trend. Some researchers focus on qualitative research methods. Questionnaires and interviews help researchers to analyse numerous trends as people explain their choices. This approach enables researchers to acquire substantial data on people’s attitudes towards numerous situations. Though, the approach also has some limitations. First, it can be hard to generalise as particular groups of people take part in the survey. It is also necessary to add that the number of participants is limited. Hence, it is important to combine different approaches and methods to obtain sufficient data. It is also noteworthy that researchers tend to focus on different aspects of the issue. Nevertheless, topics chosen are often in line with trends existing in the society. Sometimes these trends make the research quite one-sided. For instance, excessive interest to feminist approach often leads to surveys based on this method while other approaches are abandoned. Relevance to Management It is necessary to state that the correlation between gender and leadership has a great impact on management as researchers focus on business, public sphere and education, i.e. contexts which are relevant to management. Researchers stress that diversity is the key to successful development of any organisation. Though, it is necessary to add that some researchers believe female leaders are more effective (Anderson et al. 2006). Extensive research shows that female and male leaders can achieve high results when they cooperate with each other and try to work on projects together. Nevertheless, the research also reveals numerous stereotypes which jeopardise effective participation of female leaders in development of organisations. These stereotypes are yet to be removed to help businesses to develop. Finally, research covers issues associated with education. Thus, it has been acknowledged that it is crucial to remove stereotypes and make females more active. The sphere of management will benefit from the development of educational strategies aimed at encouraging females to strive for leadership. Lecturer’s Work It is necessary to note that Carole Elliott has contributed greatly to development of the research as she focuses on a very important aspect of the issue. The researcher concentrates on the role of education in development of female leadership. Elliott notes that education can diminish negative role of stereotypes in the societal culture. The researcher stresses that females can become active if their educators show th em the best way to do it. Elliott claims that females (in the majority of cases) believe in the stereotypes created and do not rely on their skills, experience and knowledge, but let males be in charge. Education can affect development of female leadership as women will be encouraged to strive for leading positions. The researcher also considers specific strategies and approaches to enable educators to affect young people’s mind-sets (Elliott Stead 2008). This research can be regarded as an attempt to encourage females to occupy leading positions. The tools revealed in Elliott’s work can be employed by educators in numerous fields. Thus, female leaders can succeed in a variety of spheres such as business, industries, public sector, governmental organisations, healthcare and educational institutions. Conclusion On balance, it is possible to note that the correlation between gender and leadership has acquired significant attention. It has been acknowledged that societal culture plays a significant role in development of female leadership. Nevertheless, the research still has certain gaps and it is necessary to pay more attention to regional peculiarities and development of female leadership in different regions and different spheres. At present, people have understood that female leaders are equal to male leaders. Though, the society (and even women) is not ready to forget about stereotypes and change trends in leadership. Nonetheless, researchers note that the change has started and on-going research will positively affect development of female leadership. Reference List Anderson, N, van Dam, K, Lievens, F Born, M 2006, ‘A construct-driven investigation of gender differences in a leadership-role assessment center’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 91. no. 3, pp. 555-566. Block, RA Crawford, KC 2013, ‘Gender stereotyping of leadership behaviors: social metacognitive evidence’, Psychology and Social Behavior Research, vol. 1. no. 1, pp. 9-17. Elliott, C Stead, V 2008, ‘Learning from leading women’s experience: towards a sociological understanding’, Leadership, vol. 4. no. 2, pp. 159-180. Kaminski, M Yakura, EK 2008, ‘Women’s union leadership: closing the gender gap’, The Journal of Labour and Society, vol. 11. no. 1, pp. 459-475. Kent, TW, Blair, CA Rudd, HF 2010, ‘ Gender differences and transformational leadership behaviour: do both German men and women lead in the same way?’ International Journal of Leadership Studies, vol. 6. no. 1, pp. 52-66. Lantz, PM 2008, ‘Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges’, Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 53. no. 5, pp. 291-303. Page, ML 2011, ‘Gender mainstreaming – hidden leadership?’ Gender, work and organization, vol. 18. no. 3, pp. 318-336. Reynolds, K 2011, ‘ Servant-leadership as gender-integrative leadership : paving a path for more gender-integrative organizations through leadership education’, Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 10. no. 2, pp. 155-171. Snaebjornsson, IM Edvardsson, IR 2013, ‘Gender, nationality and leadership style: a literature review’, International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 8. no. 1, pp. 89-103. Swan, E, Stead, V Elliott, C 2009, ‘Feminist challenges and futures: women, diversity and management learning’, Management Learning, vol. 40. no. 4, pp. 431-437. Timberlake, S 2005, ‘Social capital and gender in the workplace’, Journal of Management Development, vol. 24. no. 1, pp. 34-44. Van Emmerik, H, Wendt, H Euwema, MC 2009, ‘Gender ratio, societal culture, and male and female leadership’, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, vol. 1. no. 1, pp. 1-21. Virick, M Greer, CR 2012, ‘Gender diversity in leadership succession: preparing for the future’, Human Resource Management, vol. 51. no. 4, pp. 575-600. Wang, M Kelan, E 2013, ‘The gender quota and female leadership: effects of the Norwegian gender quota on board chairs and CEOs’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 117. no. 1, pp. 449-466. Wayne, NL, Vermillion Uijtdehaage 2010, ‘Gender differences in leadership amongst first-year medical students in the small-group settings’, Academic Medicine, vol. 85. no. 8, pp. 1-6. This essay on Contemporary Issues in Management: Gender and Leadership was written and submitted by user Eden Kerr to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Business Models and Systems Essays - Walgreens, Pharmacy

Business Models and Systems Essays - Walgreens, Pharmacy Business Models and Systems BUS/210 February 21, 2014 Business Models and Systems A local business I use frequently is Walgreens. Walgreens, as business commerce, is a blend of retail, pharmacy, and health care, and has a variety of products such as toiletries, beauty products, cleaning supplies, photo processing, and even some hardware items. The stores are small, clean, and convenient. The staff is always friendly and willing to help you locate products. The prices of their products are not always the lowest but the convenience and friendliness of the staff make the shopping experience pleasant and quick. As a business occupation, Walgreens offers a pharmacy and more recently, the Take Care Clinic. The pharmacy has a variety of over the counter medications as well as the ability to fill prescriptions. The pharmacy staff, including the pharmacist, is knowledgeable and willing to take the time to answer your questions without making the customer feel rushed or insignificant for asking a question. Customers can also take advantage of a walk in clinic called the Take Care Clinic and receive health care services like immunizations, blood pressure screenings, and illness treatment. If the reason for the customers visit to the clinic requires a prescription, it can be sent electronically to the pharmacy of choice, and if that happens to be Walgreens, the prescription is ready soon after the appointment is complete. The business organization of Walgreens consists of managers and employees. Managers, store and assistant, assign tasks to the employees and oversee the daily store operations. The employees receive the assigned tasks and complete these tasks, whether it is stocking or running a register. Managers and employees work together to provide a convenient, well-stocked store with a pleasant shopping atmosphere.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nature and landscapes are nothing more than sedimented history Essay

Nature and landscapes are nothing more than sedimented history - Essay Example Once it regains, its original shape one may not be able to tell the difference between the original and the restored form (McKibben, 2009). Thus, is easier to say the landscapes and nature are just but a sentiment of history. The views can change but with time, they can regain their original shape and appearance. This fact makes the idea that the landscape and nature to be termed to just but a history. Since history repeats itself the same, the nature can repeat itself once it has been altered. When people settle in a place, they change position in a manner that the area can be habitable. If the same place can be abandoned for a while, it regains its original shape, and the earlier vegetation can cover the ground. Thus, the landscape and nature is just a repetitive occurrence that can repeat itself like the way history does. Taking a case of the white settlers who invaded the Zimbabwean country and settled there. This aspect can be treated as a case of the British where they found the nation being scorched and had no enough water to allow them to practice farming. The British had to change the landscape, and the landscape was changed they brought a new one. The new landscape was full of water from the dams, and they had conserved the soil well and the land was good for arable purposes. Thus, the new appearance of the area was good enough to allow many farming activities. Wildlife could at that time be well supported by the new look of the environment. The British changed the landscape to own it and performed their activities (Hughes, 2010). They used the water that was in the dams that they constructed to irrigate and support the wildlife. Maybe long ago the same place had a lot waters and was supporting wildlife, and it reached a point that the climate changed. It to be so dry that the animal was no mo re supported by the prevailing conditions. When the British came to the place, they changed the nature may be top the look of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of Vitamin C content of Soft Fruit Drinks Coursework

Analysis of Vitamin C content of Soft Fruit Drinks - Coursework Example Titration is a commonly performed experiment which is used to determine the exact concentration of a particular substance in solution. This is achieved by adding increasing amounts of a standard solution of known concentration (the titrant) to a measured quantity of the solution whose concentration one intends to ascertain (the analyte), and determining the end point of the reaction by means of a substance termed as an indicator. Titration can be used to determine the concentration of various substances including several acids and bases. Vitamin C has been found to turn a blue dye clear. Thus, the amount of Vitamin C in a solution can be worked out by titrating the different soft drinks against a fixed amount of the blue dye, which serves as both the titrant and the indicator in this experiment.   Materials Available: Blue dye A solution containing a known amount of Vitamin C (Solution A) A selection of old products: a lemon, orange and blackcurrant drink A selection of new product s: a lemon, orange and blackcurrant drink Equipment needed: Burette Pipette, graduated Pipette filler Ehrlenmeyer flask or Beaker Distilled water Burette clamp Stirring rod Procedure: To begin the experiment, the amount of solution which has a known quantity of Vitamin C (labeled as Solution A) needed to turn 1 cm3 of the blue dye colorless has to be determined. To achieve this, a measured quantity, i.e. 1 cm3 of the dye is added to an Ehrlenmeyer flask or beaker with the help of a pipette. Before using the pipette, it is important to  ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned and conditioned before being used  in order to remove any water droplets or impurities.  Conditioning  is achieved by rinsing the pipette with  a small volume of  the solution being transferred  (the stock solution) and disposing of the rinsing solution. The pipette is then filled up to the calibration mark with the help of a pipette filler. It is important to remember that most solutions would form a concave meniscus. Thus, while reading a meniscus, the bottom of the meniscus should be read and the meniscus should be kept at eye level in order to avoid parallax errors. Moreover, the meniscus should be read against a uniform background, which can be achieved by placing a white sheet of paper behind the level of the liquid. The dye is now transferred to the conical flask. Once all the solution has drained, the experimenter should touch the tip of the pipette to the side of the flask. This helps in removing the last drop of solution from the pipette and helps in avoiding errors. It is important to keep in mind that one does not need to blow the last drop of solution out of the pipette. As pointed out previously, in this experiment the blue dye serves as both the titrant and the indicator. An indicator is a substance which indicates the pH of a substance and is commonly used to determine the end point of a reaction, which is denoted by a color change of the indicator. The next step is to add the solution A into the beaker drop by drop by means of a burette. The burette is an apparatus which helps in slowly and precisely deliver small measured volumes of a solution to another. It is most commonly used in titration experiments and measures solutions up to an accuracy of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Multiple Sclerosis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multiple Sclerosis - Research Paper Example Consequently, there is no defined medication to cure the disorder (Courtney, 2006). However, various treatments are available to lessen its severity and slow down its progression. This paper will describe the statistics on the disease, a summary of the disease and resources available to manage it. Statistics on Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is diagnosed in individuals aged between 20 and 40 years. Although it is not possible to determine the actual number of individuals affected by the disease, it is estimated that there are about 2.1 million people affected by the disease globally (Trisolini, et al., 2010; Courtney, 2006). In a study conducted by the World Health Organization and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) to determine the prevalence of the disease in 122 countries globally, it was found out that the median prevalence is 30 persons in every 100,000 (Trisolini et al., 2010). In US, it is estimated that the number of people affected by MS stands at between 250,000 and 350,000. Furthermore, it is estimated that about 200 cases are diagnosed every week (Trisolini et al., 2010). Other countries with high MS prevalence as found in the study are shown in the table below. Table I showing prevalence of MS in different countries Country Prevalence of MS per 100,000 persons Hungary 176 Slovenia 150 Germany 149 US 135 Canada 133 Czech Republic 130 Norway 125 Denmark 122 Poland 120 Cyprus 110 Source (Trisolini et al., 2010) Overview of the disease MS is not contagious and researchers have also ruled out the possibility of one directly inheriting the disease. However, there are various factors thought to play a role in the disease. This include one’s gender where women get affected by the disease twice as much as their male counterparts. Additionally, an individual’s age may come to play in the disease considering most diagnoses are done on persons aged 20 to 50 (Carroll, 2010). The ethnic background of a person is also a c ritical factor where there are more Caucasians than whites affected by the disease. MS is a rare among some ethnic groups such as among Japanese and has never been identified among Africans, Eskimos, Blacks, Inuits and Aborigines. The further the people are from the equator, cold climate and latitude are risk factors in occurrence of MS (Carroll, 2010). MS is a central nervous system disease, which comprises the spinal cord and the brain. The disorder causes damage to a protective insulation called myelin which surrounds nerves referred to as axons (Calabresi, 2007). The damage may also extend to the nerves and CNS as a whole. The resulting effects are that messages from the spinal cord and brain could short circuit thereby leading to reduced or lost functioning of the body (Carroll, 2010). A majority of researchers describe MS as an autoimmune disease where white blood cells get misguided and instead of fighting disease causing organisms, they attack body cells (Courtney, 2006). Th is attack leads to CNS inflammation and could damage myelin and eventually injuring the nerves. The areas which experience inflammation are referred as active lesions and plaques refer to scar tissue where myelin gets destroyed. The number, size, and location of plaques and lesions determine the form and severity of the signs (Rolak, 2001). In deep the disease got its name from a discovery of many plaques and sclerosis describes scars. Common symptoms of MS include fatigue, visual disorder, numbness, dizziness, tremor

Friday, November 15, 2019

An Analysis Of Romantic Opera Drama Essay

An Analysis Of Romantic Opera Drama Essay The Romantic Era was a period in music in which there was much change during the 1850s to the 1920s in the theory and compositional practice of music. The composers wrote their pieces with more artistic freedom, experimentation, and creativity than the artists of the classical era and this caused the melody to become the more dominant feature in the songs composed. Some popular composers that originated out of this era are: Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Frà ©dà ©ric Chopin, and Richard Wagner. For inspiration, many Romantic composers turned to visual arts, poetry, drama and literature, and to nature itself. These influences led composers to express emotion in their music. These changes in the sound of the music came in the form of the increased use of dissonance and the extended use of chromatics. Although Romantic era music contained classical era roots, the instruments used in the Romantic era were changing and brass and woodwind instruments were being improved in the quality of sound, as well as in how they were played. Some Romantic era composers used their compositions to express nationalism by the way of incorporating elements unique to their native cultures, such as folk songs, dances, and legendary histories. Mikhail Glinka is an example of a composer who wrote operas specifically on Russian subjects. Many great operas derived from the Romantic era including Gaetano Donizettis Lucia di Lammermoor, as well as Gioachino Rossinis The Barber of Seville. Opera was very dominant in Italy where the operas differed from the operas of the classical era because the form of the pieces were being changed by having the tenors given the heroic lead in operas and by giving the chorus a more important lead than before. Gioachino Rossini was the first composer to initiate an opera in the Romantic era, which started in the early 19th century. His first piece, La Cambiale di Matrimonio, included scenes where the characters expressed emotion through the lyrics of their songs. This was a comedic opera that was the first of its kind which was written in 1810. Many great composers followed Rossini including Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Giuseppe Verdi. These composers continued to change the way operas were being written as well as preformed. These changes were evident in Verdis first success ful opera, Nabucco, which the general public found interesting because of its great choruses. Verdi also continued to express nationalism in his operas, Va, pensiero, which was interpreted as giving meaning to the struggle for Italian independence and Verdi was expressing his hope to unify Italy. By the end of the Romantic era, opera had become a combination of many art forms including the theatre, dance and orchestra oriented music. Although opera was predominant in Italy, many other European composers were contributing to the changes in the music of their generation, including German composer Richard Wagner. Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany where he had a difficult childhood. Wagners father died of typhus six months after Richards birth which led his mother Johanna Rosine Wagner, to begin living with the actor and playwright Ludwig Geyer, who had been a friend of Richards father up until his death. Richards mother then proceeded to marry Ludwig Geyer and they moved the family to Dresden. It is here where Wagner started his musical learning. Richard first took interest in his step fathers love for the theatre and performance arts and he played an angel in a play at a local theatre. When he was seven, Wagner was enrolled at Pastor Wetzels school at Possendorf, near Dresden, where he received some piano instruction from his Latin teacher. A year later his stepfather died which led the ei ght year old Wagner to attend the Kreuz Grammar School in Dresden. Although Richard was largely a self taught musician he persuaded his family to allow him to take music lessons. From 1828-1831 Wagner completed his first lessons in composition with Christian Gottlieb Mà ¼ller and by the time he was fifteen he had already written his first play. Wagners focus on drama is one of the reasons his operas really shined as being different than operas of the classical era. He enrolled at the University of Leipzig in 1831 where Wagner further took composition lessons from Christian Theodor Weinlig who refused to let Richard pay for the lessons he was giving him. Weinlig was so impressed with Wagners talents that he arranged for one of Wagners piano works to be published. Wagner continued his studies in music and he completed his first opera when he was twenty years old called Die Feen. This opera would not be produced until half a century later when it was premiered in Munich shortly after his death in 1883. Around the time he wrote his first opera, Wagner married the actress Minna Planer, who he moved to Riga with where he became the music director of the local opera house. His relationship with his wife was a troubled one in that she left him once for another man, but came back to him before they moved to Paris due to fleeing from tremendous debt. In 1862 he returned to Germany, where he moved in with Ludwig II. After the success of his opera, Tristan und Isolde, he decided to do more traveling around Europe where he created such classics as Siegfried and Gà ¶tterdà ¤mmerung. Towards the end of his life Wagner decided to settle in Italy where wrote his final opera, Parsifal. Parsifal was first preformed at the Bayreuth festival which occurred at the opera house in which Wagner himself funded. After the second Bayreuth festival the Wagners decided to take a trip to Venice in the winter of 1883. It is here where Richard Wagner passed away due to a heart attack. In his long musical career Wagner created thirteen operas including the most notable Rienzi, Der fliegende Hollà ¤nde, Tristan und Isolde, and Der Ring des Nibelungen. It was clear that Wagner was changing the way operas were being preformed, and he continued to push the music further into the Romantic era by viewing operas as total art works.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Thus â€Å"in the thinking about post-conflict reconstruction it is that policy oriented work, which primarily reflects an institutional capacity approach to state development†¦this state will have a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence, maintain public order, generate employment, stabilize the economy, and provide essential services†( Krasner 2010:6). This gives insight that institutions in their premises posses legitimate and authoritative power to govern. Imposed in proper way, trained and informed, this state settlement is licensed to implement new political agenda. Solely they consist tools and methods to implemented new codes of conduct and make civil society more effective. Economic growth mainly depends on their accuracy and effectiveness. Recapitulate, indeed institutions should be taken as primary concern in state building process before any upcoming change. Arguing about democracy, it is seen as exogenous phenomena which certainly deems most appropriate political settlement for the country but according to above mentioned, it cannot operate without beforehand installation of good endogenous components-institutions. Recommendation that strikes from above mentioned is that at most basic level democracies and capitalism presuppose a functioning of state apparatus but in state building agenda which is oriented solely toward promotion of democratization and marketization in intuitionally weak post-conflict environments is counterproductive.(Paris 2004:205). Paris in this regard proposes strategy IBL that addresses to phenomenon of institutionalization, hence advantages of installing proper institutions before liberalizing the field. The dilemma of IBL (Institutionalization before Liberalization) IBL solution and its p... ...nce, on one side the actions taken by UN peace mission come up to $19.9 billion and on the other side during same period costs up to $6.9 trillion were used for military enforcement in different parts of the world, which when it comes to costs and values of human lives neglects the fact of lavish international assistance in terms of state building process.(Paris 2004: 211). From this derives that all this dangers could be easily maneuvered with patient and prioritized actions. Ultimately by promoting† gradual controlled liberalization combined with the immediate construction of domestic institutions that are capable of managing destabilizing effects of democratization and marketization†, IBL strategy seems more compatible and harmless for state building process.(Paris 2004:211). As such prioritization of actions encountered under its umbrella should be considered.